the weight of your hungering hearts


Destruction and corruption are beautiful forms of creation in themselves.


ship summary


oh my god where do i even start with this guy. i love him. i hate him. he's a demon with angel wings and angel halo. he's golden. he's sassy and loves birds. he's not entirely convinced of his villainous mission and purpose.

jupe (self insert)

my self insert for forspoken! all the events involving him are essentially a sequel, i have the whole thing mapped out i just need to write it down lmao


ship fics

chapter one just dropped!

ship art

a drawing of jupe jumping in mid air in an empty background. he is a white man wearing a fall out boy 'stardust' album shirt and a cloak. he is shocked and has streaks of golden magic over his arms and trailing behind him

waloeders buttons
88x31 button that says waloeders 88x31 button that says waloeders